Blocky Cops

Blocky Cops

By Full Fat Productions Ltd

  • Category: Games
  • Release Date: 2018-05-26
  • Current Version: 1.6.1
  • Adult Rating: 12+
  • File Size: 197.94 MB
  • Developer: Full Fat Productions Ltd
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 12.0 or later.
Score: 4.34259
From 216 Ratings


THE BADDIES HAVE ESCAPED! CAN YOU CATCH THEM ALL? Help the Blocky Cops put the crime lords behind bars for good and put a stop to the criminal underworld! CATCH THE CROOKS AND BANDITS! Swipe left and right to help your Blocky Cop avoid oncoming hazards and take down the bad guys across diverse worlds ripped straight from the silver screen! STAY ON HIGH ALERT! City crooks are always scheming for new escape plans! Try your best to lock up the bad guys in our criminally addictive mini-games! LOCK THEM UP! Chase the robbers across London, New York and the Wild West, unlocking exciting new playable characters along the way! MORE BLOCKY? If you love Blocky Cops, why not try more check out more capers from the Blocky Universe? - Blocky Pirates (for the sea-lovers out there!) - Blocky Raider (for the adventurous types out there!) - Blocky Football (for everyone… who doesn’t love football?) JOIN THE FULL FAT COMMUNITY Like:



  • Why did the creator make this game it’s terrible and you useless

    By Austin Abrahams
    This game is terrible when I installed this I tried to do everything to win it’s just a useless game this game is garbage I hope the creator looks at this this is a dumb game oh yeah and if I mention I think when you get the person that’s the wrong person you have to suffer from the cops the cops or just dumb people that look like blocks it’s like roblox Minecraft this game is a garbage Game in the world I hope everyone sees this post this on Instagram post this on Snapchat post this on YouTube post it anywhere you like I don’t care
  • 😃😎

    By 1daxlove
    I love this game Get this game now
  • I love it

    By jake pennie
    Investors it
  • Scam

    By Tried to like them
    I purchased the option to “remove ads” to protect our child and a minute later he was watching ads again.. I contacted the seller who explained that the ads now pop up only when you die in the full version. If that isn’t fraud...
  • Kids sort of like it......except the ads

    By TShouston
    Ads are unbearable so I paid for the ad free version....or so I thought. The game still contains extras like redo, double coins, etc., which my kids press and presto, more 30 second video ads. Really drags the fun down to a dead stop. Also feels like they are pushing the boundaries for the definition of ad free.
  • Blocky cop

    By soirda
  • Dumb game

    By Andreww3232
    Dumb game... like really dumb.
  • Great plus a suggestion

    By kalareden
    So before I say anything great game but I have a suggestion add super villains who when you catch them you enter a fight mini game where you have to fight them in a injustice type fashion for a ton of gold and a super gene this is used to purchase and upgrade powers including:elements control, super defense ,super speed super strength and for element control could be any element you can think of like sound time or death
  • Fun

    By hxfhbb
  • Uggghhhhh

    By California Caliber
    I’m not even going to waste my time writing this. So all I’m going to say is this game is completely random. Even if you have been chasing a robber forever, you still have to guess a trash can! There is like a 3 out of 10 chance that you’ll guess right! THIS GAME IS USELESS!!!!!!!! Oh, and did I mention that if you don’t guess right, the robber “escapes” making all of that time wasted! Terrible game! ONE STAR! However play yourself. See for yourself if you don’t believe me! Complete waste of time!!!!!!!!!!
