NBA: Live Games & Scores

NBA: Live Games & Scores


  • Category: Sports
  • Release Date: 2020-10-27
  • Current Version: 120672.1
  • Adult Rating: 4+
  • File Size: 206.88 MB
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 16.0 or later.
Score: 4.65676
From 83,872 Ratings


All things NBA. One tap away. Get free, instant access to the latest news, scores, behind the scenes stories, and game highlights. There’s no better way to keep up to speed with the National Basketball Association. With the free NBA App, fans get access to: - Live scores, stats and standings for every game - The latest basketball news, highlights, game previews and recaps. - Stories from across the NBA to bring you closer to the action. - Watch original series that bring you inside the league - “Pass the Rock”, “Chasing History” and more. - Personalized live updates on your favorite teams and players - Live free access to postgame press conferences after every game - Play free games to test your basketball knowledge with NBA Play Want even more? Watch live games with NBA League Pass and watch your favorite NBA teams and players. NBA League Pass subscribers have access to: - Streaming NBA games live and on-demand.* - Alternate streams including Strategy Stream and Hoopervision - Local language broadcasts - Overlays with player stats, scores of other games, and live odds without leaving the game - Mobile optimized game streams for phones and tablets - Access to NBA TV’s 24/7 Stream and studio content** - Access to the NBA archives to stream the most memorable games and moments. League Pass Premium subscribers get access to: - Gametime is anytime with download for later to watch NBA games on the go or offline. - Commercial free viewing on up to 3 devices - In-Arena Entertainment at game breaks so you feel like you are there. * Blackouts and restrictions apply in the US and Canada. **NBA TV is not available in some markets: Belarus, China, Italy, Myanmar, Russia, Spain Free fan perks? That’s a win with NBA ID. Sign up and get access to: - Member-only benefits like free ticket giveaways and merch deals - Fee live game nights and exclusive content - Daily perks during NBA ID Member Days - Upgraded experiences at NBA events - Voting on top league moments and influence the game - Earning badges that show off your fandom Play free games with NBA play to test your basketball knowledge. Games include: - Full Court Guess - Hoop Connect - NBA IQ - NBA Rank - Player Path - NBA Blast - Trivia Get the best free NBA coverage all year round, including pre-season games, global games, Christmas Day games, NBA All-Star Weekend and All-Star Game, NBA Playoff games, NBA Finals, NBA Draft and NBA Summer League. The official NBA app features action from the Atlanta Hawks, Boston Celtics, Brooklyn Nets, Charlotte Hornets, Chicago Bulls, Cleveland Cavaliers, Dallas Mavericks, Denver Nuggets, Detroit Pistons, Golden State Warriors, Houston Rockets, Indiana Pacers, LA Clippers, Los Angeles Lakers, Memphis Grizzlies, Miami Heat, Milwaukee Bucks, Minnesota Timberwolves, New Orleans Pelicans, New York Knicks, Oklahoma City Thunder, Orlando Magic, Philadelphia 76ers, Phoenix Suns, Portland Trail Blazers, Sacramento Kings, San Antonio Spurs, Toronto Raptors, Utah Jazz, and Washington Wizards. Current NBA League Pass and NBA TV subscribers can access their subscription by logging into the app. Purchase NBA League Pass or NBA TV and you will be automatically billed through Apple every 30 days (monthly packages) or every 365 days (annual packages) until you cancel your subscription. Refunds are not available after subscriptions have been activated. Please visit to contact the support team if you are experiencing any issues. Terms of Use: Privacy Policy:



  • Customer service

    By Scb1975
    I would definitely pay double if I could get all the games on one service. I mean, that’s the dream right?
  • Disappointed

    By rrrrrrrrrfffdddrr
    I downloaded this app with the understanding that that I would be able to watch EVERYTHING that the nba has to offer that includes the all star weekend and the finals. Well it is all star weekend and I cannot watch any of it. I’m disappointed
  • Good

    By Ant man 🐐
    The app is very good I like how you can scroll like how you would like YouTube and TikTok
  • Feels like Instagram but has only nba😁

    By NBA app review
    Very good highlights and stats
  • Please can I please disable the reels

    By nicknamesareineccesarydoug
    This app drives me crazy how it just starts videos and is like all reels. Like if it’s gonna be a personalized nba experience I wanna choose what videos to watch. Love the nba, the app has been making it hard to follow for like a year and a half now. Like sometimes I just wanna look at numbers and not hear any sound.
  • So hit or miss

    By Jdh2110
    I have so many issues with playback on this app. I end up watching half the games on my phone because there is no nba app on smart tvs. There seem to be so many ways to make nba league pass a more streamlined experience, but it’s never easy unless just watching on my phone. That kinda blows.
  • Great app

    By jack1815272819163
    Full worth. Great app get the pass
  • Bad auto play videos

    By cnoswal
    I am just checking what’s going on in the nba. If you want to force my audio to change and force a video to play, I will find somewhere else to check in on the nba.
  • vision pro+mobile+tv=perfect

    By mrbra
    《Vision Pro:观赛者之瞳》 ——献给库里与宫城的精神共振 当量子指尖拨动数据瀑布 宫城突破的弧线正穿透十六年光阴 在Vision Pro的折叠视界里 每一滴虚拟盐粒都是 夏洛特少年未干的汗 您选择用瞳孔校准世界的景深 库里投出的三分球悬浮于咖啡桌边缘 如同星系坍缩成沙盘模型 那些被眼动追踪的惊叹 正在视网膜刻写新的引力方程 此刻电影胶片在虹膜背面显影 冲绳的海风裹挟着湘北更衣室的呜咽 您用拇指与食指捏住泪水的抛物线 发现168厘米的勇气 竟能撑起整座全息球馆的天顶 不必担心重达650克的现实 当数码旋钮将群山调至70%透明度 NCAA的哨声便从云端垂落 库里大四那年的绝杀 正以纳米级像素在木纹桌面重播 这是属于观星者的罗盘 宫城突破包夹的瞬间被拆解成十二层数据流 勇士王朝的战术板在虚空舒展 所有热血都有了拓扑结构 所有传奇都获得可交互的坐标 此刻您坐在2025年的晨光里 用眼眶盛满两个时代的潮涌—— 宫城掌心的篮球化作量子比特 库里旋转的球衣变成像素飓风 而Vision Pro正把整个世界 编译成一场永不终结的觉醒 注:诗中"量子指尖"指Vision Pro眼动追踪技术,可捕捉1/4毫米级瞳孔移动;"沙盘模型"呼应腾讯视频开发的3D王者峡谷观赛系统;"数码旋钮"来自Vision Pro调节现实与虚拟比例的实体控件;"十二层数据流"借鉴F1赛事多维分析界面,该功能已被开发者移植至篮球领域。
  • Same issues…new season

    By HLHarrsion
    The NBA app on the iPad has so many issues. You can not full screen a game half the time, you can not unmute a game half the time, you can not even select the game to play half the time. Same issues as last season…
